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1 videos

Best of Athens Walls - 2009-2019

Massive murals, urban art, layers of shredded posters photographed during a devastating decade of crisis and uncertainty. Walls that are sometimes aesthetic, often angry & at times, threatening.
I choose, on purpose, to photograph these streets devoid of people so that the viewer can listen and focus more intently on the walls.

Thanks to street artists:

Achilles, Manolis Anastasakos & Ketsis Crew, Bleeps, Malarko Hernandez and David Shillinglaw, Cacao Rocks, Ino, Jupiterfab,, Paparazzi, Panos Sklavenitis, Phattcaps, Alexandros Vasmoulakis & WD (Wild Drawing) & to all those featured artists whose names I was unable to discover. Not forgetting the inspiration of Diane Arbus.
Thanks also to Mother Nature who helped shred some of the posters.

Dedicated to the people of Athens.

Soundtrack recorded on streets of Athens, on public transport and on Greek TV by Brenda Turnnidge. "Ederlezi" performed by street musicians in Athens, Oct 2019.

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Achilles, Alexandros Vasmoulakis, Athens, Bleeps, Cacao Rocks, Diane Arbus, Downtown Athens, Ederlezi, Exarcheia, Greece, Ino, Jupiterfab, Malarko Hernandez and David Shillinglaw,, Manolis Anastasakos & Ketsis Crew,, Panos Sklavenitis, Paparazzi, Phattcaps, Pireous Street, Athens, Psirri, WD (Wild Drawing, crisis, decade, murals, posters, shredded posters,, sweet art, talking walls, torn, urban art

Guestbook for Talking Walls of Athens - 2009-2019
Impressive bravo !
so strong.... dreams, distress and maybe some joy ...espoir ....toujours
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